”Women are the backbone of society” , so is the saying that goes about in the society. Such is the expectation even in the church where women are seen going out of their way to help those in need. Recently though, it has been noticed that the DORCAS Society has somewhat backslidden in that area. DORCAS society is a welfare organization of the Seventh Day Adventist Church that was modeled after Dorcas from the Bible in Acts Chapter 9 vs 35 -36 , who met the needs of people who required her help. In that vein, a meeting was held on the 11th of February 2023, at Sigodo Complex, Kwekwe with the aim of reviving as well as rekindling the fire and passion to help in women. The theme for this year’s DORCAS meeting was Hand delivering the love of Christ and the theme song was hymn 81 (Christ in Song).

NorthWest Zimbabwe Conference Dorcas Leaders

All women including leaders from districts in the North West Zimbabwe Conference (NWZC) gathered at Sigodo Complex from 9am to 12pm. ZCUC Personal Ministries Director, Pastor L Masaiti gave a powerful lesson on how women are expected to reach out to the societies they live in and impact the lives of those who have not accepted Jesus as their savior. For the divine service , the Director for Personal Ministries at NWZC, Pastor H Makuvire, delivered a life changing sermon on how Dorcas led a Christ-like life up until her death. He also went on to highlight how much power women possess and how much they could change the world as well as bring in more souls to Jesus, were they to put their minds and hearts to it.

Not only was the DORCAS meeting held in Kwekwe, but a similar meeting was also held in Masvingo on the 4th of February, 2023 for the Dorcas leaders of the Central Zimbabwe Conference (CZC). Programs have been lined up to assist in bringing more people to Christ through the ministry of women. From the 21st to the 27th of May, women from CZC and NWZC will be in various districts across the Union territory, helping those in the communities with no one to assist them.

Central Zimbabwe Conference Dorcas Leaders

Such programs will continue up to October because the aim is to bring ten thousand people to the knowledge of Christ. Women will also be expected to move around in places like Ngundu to Save helping out the locals as was the norm of DORCAS their role model. One attendee, a Dorcas Society member who is a Shepherdess from Gokwe South district, Mrs Masuku had a positive feedback on the event, saying that she and the other women found the meeting educative and helpful in the sense that it has enlightened them on how they are supposed to uphold themselves in society.

DORCA twe!, DORCA twe!, DORCA twe twe twe! is the loud cry that will ring throughout the Zimbabwe Central Union Conference as the women go out to minister.