
A weekly date with God
Seventh-day Adventists believe God gave us the secret to performing our best when He asked us to, “Remember the Sabbath day . . . on [the seventh day] you shall not do any work” (Exodus 20:8-10).

In love with God's word
The Bible isn’t merely an international best seller. It’s a love letter, storybook, history lesson, self-help guide and collection of inspirational quotes all rolled into one.

The direct connection to God
Prayer is the simple act of having a conversation with God. It’s about talking with the Creator of the Universe: whether aloud or in our thoughts, during special or ordinary moments, when we’re on the…

God's continuing conversation
Our human nature made it impossible to for us to see God face-to-face. But just because we have to keep our distance does not mean He must remain silent.